Bill Kochman
on August 21, 2021
My dear cat-loving friends, I want to share an inspiring story with you. It concerns my two black queens, Obsidian and Mischief. If you knew their history together, you would understand how amazing it is that they get along so well now, as can be seen in my "Cute Kittens" Live Video Feed on my Facebook timeline at . . .
. . . as well as on my public YouTube channel at . . .
You see, even though they get along now, that hasn't always been the case. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Until Obsidian gave birth to her four kittens on August 15, 2021, she and Mischief were absolute enemies. From day one, it was fireworks between these two queens. They would constantly growl and hiss at each other, and also get into brief cat fights with their sharp claws extended. I was really concerned that they might seriously hurt each other, although in the end, they never did. Thank God!
In fact, their animosity towards each other was so bad, that at times I felt as if I was walking on egg shells, just never knowing when they would go at each other again. While initially I erroneously assumed that Mischief was the culprit, I later learned through closer observation that jealous Obsidian was actually the aggressor who was attacking Mischief.
To cut down in nighttime aggression which might disturb my neighbors, I even started leaving the kitchen light and the bathroom light on at night, so that the two cats wouldn't unexpectedly meet up in the dark and go at each other and make a loud, middle-of-the-night ruckus.
However, after a few days of hostile behavior, I realized that I couldn't have both cats in the house together at the same time. It was simply too much, and it was not working. Thus, after living with me for five months since the time that I saved her when she was a young, neighborhood stray kitten only a month or two old -- I took her in on November 7, 2020 -- I was forced to put Mischief outside with the other outdoor neighborhood cats.
But actually, as I have explained before in some of my Facebook posts, that is what Mischief wanted anyway. She was maturing and had already come into heat once or twice. It was driving her nuts, to the point that she was loudly caterwauling -- or cat calling -- and climbing to the top of my front door, in her efforts to get outside so that she could mate with a neighborhood tomcat.
But those weren't the only reasons why Mischief had to be put outside. Besides the aggression between Obsidian and Mischief, and Mischief constantly whining to go outside, Obsidian was in the late stage of her pregnancy with the "Gang of Four". They are the four tabbies which you can see on my front porch in some of my "Cute Kittens" videos on my Facebook timeline, as well as in my YouTube "Bill's Cats" playlist.
I had taken in Obsidian -- who at the time was another neighborhood stray cat -- on April 8, 2021. Five days later on April 13, 2021, she gave birth to the "Gang of Four". Three days after that is when I made the decision to put Mischief outside with the rest of the outdoor cats. Of course, putting Mischief outside meant one thing: sooner or later, one of the neighborhood tomcats would impregnate her. That is exactly what happened. By the third week of July 2021, Mischief was in an advanced stage of pregnancy.
Well, as Mischief's due date approached, I was determined to coax her back into the house. However, even after being outside for three months, she was still so afraid of Obsidian, that she wouldn't come in at all. So I decided to appeal to the weakness which is common to all cats. Exactly what was that? I began using cans of tuna to lure Mischief inside, and after a few days, she finally got up the courage to come into the house all the way in order to eat in the kitchen. And so it was that on July 17, 2021, I closed the door behind her, and she once again became an indoor cat. She gave birth to her litter of five kittens ten days later on July 27th underneath my bed.
Meanwhile, Obsidian was also in an advanced state of pregnancy — that is, for the second time since I had taken her in — and she had her second litter of four — also under the bed — on August 15, 2021. But between July 27th when Mischief had her first litter, and August 15th when Obsidian had her second litter — or a period of nineteen days — it was rough going between the two of them due to their lingering hostility issues.
Then something seemingly miraculous happened. The minute that Obsidian had her litter on August 15th, the chemistry between the two queens abruptly changed for the better. In fact, I suspect that it began to change even before that.
You see, Mischief gave birth under my bed near the wall. In fact, it is the same place that you see in the "Cute Kittens" Live Video Feed. When Obsidian gave birth to her first litter the previous April, it was also under the bed. However, it was maybe three or four feet away, and closer to the foot of the bed. Because of that, and quite possibly due to instinct, Obsidian began parking herself under the bed, in pretty much the same place where she had given birth previously. In other words, she was laying only a few feet away from where Mischief was tending to her litter by the wall. Sometimes, if Obsidian got a little too close for comfort, Mischief would give her one low warning growl, and that was the end of it.
But my biggest concern was that Obsidian might try to attack Mischief's kittens out of jealousy. However, thankfully, it never happened; not even when Mischief went out to the kitchen to eat and left the kittens alone. That is why I said earlier that I suspect that Obsidian's attitude may have started changing, even before she gave birth on August 15th. But there was another clear indication that her attitude had completely changed.
As her due date approached, to my surprise, Obsidian became increasingly hostile towards her previous litter who were now outside. That is, the "Gang of Four", Prima and her three brothers. All I had to do was open the front door in order to feed the outdoor cats, and Obsidian would start screeching and growling at her previous litter through the screen door. She would also strike out a paw in their direction. She was like a demon cat, and her behavior towards her own kittens just shocked me. In fact, even after I closed the front door, she would still be upset and grumble for a minute or two. On one occasion, she even scratched my hand when I tried to pet her in order to comfort her.
Well, from the day that Obsidian had her litter, it was as if someone had suddenly turned off her hostility button. The next time I opened the front door to feed the outdoor cats, she was totally normal. She didn't screech or growl at her previous litter a single time, and she hasn't done so since then. The only conclusion I can come to is that as her due date approached, Obsidian went more and more into protective mode. Then, once her litter was born, she was able to relax again.
The final proof that the situation was rapidly changing lies in where Obsidian gave birth on August 15th. Believe it or not, but she was laying right next to Mischief, with Mischief's kittens crawling all over her -- that is, all over Obsidian -- and even trying to nurse from her. That is, nurse from Obsidian! I mean it was a totally crazy and totally unexpected development which I did not see coming.
From that point forward until now, Obsidian and Mischief have bonded together as if hostilities never existed between them. Not only do they nurse each other's kittens and regularly clean them, but Obsidian and Mischief clean each other as well. There are no more growls, threats or fights. It is as if they have become soul sisters. Of course, for me personally, it has been a mind-blowing experience to see the change in both of them. It is simply amazing! Maybe even miraculous? It is something I have longed for, for months now, and it has finally come to pass. I couldn't be happier about it.
So that's my story. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave a comment if you feel so led. Please also check out my Facebook timeline, as well as my YouTube channel, at the aforementioned URLs. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, you may also want to consider signing up with my Christian Social Network at We are a lot like Facebook, except we are strongly geared towards Christian Believers, and those people who have a serious interest in learning about the Christian faith. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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